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Why do startups and small businesses need to hire a Copywriter?

Business competition is rapidly and massively increasing day by day, which makes it hard to stand out in the crowd.

This is a huge problem if you’re just a startup or small business owner, so why should you hire a Copywriter as early as now?

Copywriters are born to scale your business 

They can sell your sweater or jacket products even in the summer season. I remember a short story when I went to the market to buy something.

I spoke to this salesman in that market who sold me because he was so engaging, he created a perfect joke that hit me. I watch the way he did it is so natural. Although he made a little bit of push to offer and close a sale for his product, he made it with the right timing. That day I was thinking about how much revenue he was providing in that product every day. 

Imagine if that salesman transitions his sales skills online, I’m not surprised by the result that he will provide.

This was almost the same story as my teammate when I was working for inbound sales. She up-sell like crazy and her conversion was always on top. And it’s very noticeable the way she did it. It’s calm, friendly, and natural.

So what made a salesperson so effective for selling a product or service?

The secret is… A lot of practice, maybe he has been doing it for a while with proper training. Of course, a sales rep cannot be good at selling without testing it out. And obviously, they love to sell. 

They know the art and science of selling

Some people can be good at something quickly like a talent. Although there’s a difference between selling stuff through writing and speaking, there’s a huge similarity when you know the art and science of selling.

Good writing skills plus the art and science of selling are to equal a compelling sales copy. That’s the role of Copywriters, they are natural sellers through the written word.

So, if you need a powerful business proposal, pitch deck, website copy, landing page, sales letter, blog, email, or other marketing pieces, leave it to a specialized copywriter to get the result that your business deserves.

Yes, you may have the best skills, products, and services. But, at the end of the day, you can’t count how much sales you’re losing.

Imagine the conversions you can get from your proposals, landing page, sales page, social media ad, blogs, product pages, emails, or other marketing and sales pieces.

If you have had your business for a while now, think how much sales you are losing.

Some of the ideal platforms where you can find specialized Copywriters are  




Prices may depend on their expertise and experience.

How to choose a Copywriter for your business? 

Since selling and writing are the main skills of a copywriter. Check if that copywriter knows how to sell a service with good writing. You must be sold in a piece of copy before you ask them to sell your products or services.

Since copywriting is the most underrated skill can I learn it from someone else?

Yes, whether you need it personally or by a team. You can find the right fit depending on your needs.

Of course, the more advanced coaching and training you need the more expensive you will pay. There are tons of premium and affordable copywriting courses out there.

You may also read some Copywriting books such as Advertising Secrets of the Written Word (The Adweek Copywriting Handbook) by Joseph Sugarman which reveal the psychological triggers that get you and me to buy.

Look, if you don’t know how to sell, imagine that you are learning it in school from a good teacher.

Exactly, it takes time, there’s a process to be good at writing any specific sales and marketing piece. Otherwise, you have a hidden talent for doing it.

So, if you’re busy or just starting a business, this is a big headache. Choose a copywriter that matches your business needs.

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