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Adjusting Windows 11 Screen Timeout: The Easiest Step-by-Step Guide

Are you annoyed because your screen turns off too quickly every minute on your PC or Laptop? Then this article is for you!

Now, you might be wondering, "What is screen timeout, anyway?" Well, it's the duration your computer's display stays on before it automatically turns off to conserve power.

When using Windows 11 for the first time, it can be challenging because the default settings are not as simple as brewing a cup of tea. 

How can your screen timeout be adjusted in the simplest way possible? 

Below is the guide that you need to adjust it based on your preferences. 

Adjusting Your Screen Time Out in 6 Easy Steps  

Step 1: Click the search box to launch the Start menu on your desktop in the bottom left corner.


Step 2: The Settings menu will then be accessible by clicking the gear icon.

Step 3: On the left side of the Settings menu are numerous categories. On the top, you can click on the word "System" after finding it.

Step 4: Next, click "Power and Battery" when you find it on the right side of the screen. The magic is about to happen right here! 

Step 5: Next, click "Screen and Sleep" in the same corner. You'll see a dropdown menu list of screen timeout options. You have the option of deciding how long you want your screen to be on when you're not using it. Typically, options range from never turning off to one minute.

Step 6: After choosing your preferred screen timeout, you're ready to go!👍Your modifications will be saved immediately.

See, changing the screen timeout in Windows 11 is super easy! It's an excellent way to customize your computer's behavior according to your usage preferences.

By adjusting the screen timeout, you can prevent your display from needlessly staying on, which can save you battery power and prolong the life of your screen. On the other hand, if you need more time to think or you don't want to turn your screen off quickly you can do the same steps above.

So, whether you're looking to save power, increase your privacy, or simply tailor your PC's settings, changing the screen timeout in Windows 11 gives you flexibility. Give it a try and make your Windows 11 experience even more personalized!

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